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Postmates: Apply for a job in New York City

Start making money with a Postmates delivery job and work for yourself in an American company.
Leave a request
The manager will contact you shortly to discuss the details.
*By clicking "Submit", you agree to the processing of your personal data.
How to apply for a Postmates delivery driver in New York City?
Driver requirement
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must have an SSN
  • It is important to have a driver's license
  • The driver must always have access to the vehicle
  • Postmates delivery driver must consistently have access to recent smartphone models (iPhone 6s / Android 5.0 or later) and be able to use it effectively
Requirement for a car
  • There are no specific requirements for the car. Also it is not necessary to have a car for work. The main thing is to have a driver's license.
Work experience requirement
  • Don't worry if you haven't worked as a driver before. You can learn all the subtleties of work quickly enough with the help of service.
Benefits of working for Postmates in New York City
Free schedule
Working at Postmates, as well as at UberEats, provides an opportunity to choose your own hours for work. Depending on the load, you can choose full-time or part-time as well.
No Complex Requirements
Start driving for Postmates and expect to earn around $2,000 a month.
Stable Income
By working for both Postmates and UberEats at the same time, you effectively double your potential order volume.
Ability to combine work
Many orders
If you need clarification or assistance with any unclear matters, our company is here to help.
Driver Support
Instant Payout
You have the option to keep the cash payment for your order. If you choose to have weekly payments sent to your Postmates driver's digital account, you will need to enter your card details in the app.
Quick registration
24/7 support
If you don't have a car, you can work on foot or as a bicycle courier. Postmates driver jobs allow you to work with a rental car if you don't have one.

Apply for Postmates driver near New York City: Four simple steps

Quick registration in any way suitable for you.
Sign up by leaving a request on our website and get back to us on WhatsApp or a quick connection in EarnDriver app.
Submit your data
In application you can submit your data for registration in delivery services.
Pass document verification and get the information about the delivery job
Wait for the verification of your documents (the verification process takes up to 48 hours). Get a message from our specialist to learn more about the job and get support in the registration process.
Time to work
Get to work! Join Postmates and become a professional delivery driver with an individual schedule and guaranteed Postmate driver payment.
You can choose which car you will work on as a courier: your own car or a company car.
When choosing your vehicle, you should find out if your vehicle is suitable for work with the chosen delivery service. To do this, leave a request for connection and we will contact you in the near future.

And if you don't have a car, but you want to become a Postmates driver, then just rent a car from the company. For this, you need to submit an application and we will definitely contact you.

A convenient way to apply for a job in the Postmates service near New York City
Submit an application for the job of a delivery driver.
Leave your contact number right here and now. Don't waste time and become a Postmates delivery driver today with quick registration.
Mobile App
Message in WhatsApp.
You can independently contact support for a quick connection.
Quick registration in the application.
Install EarnDriver driver application and apply for a delivery driver job. All this in one application.

Questions & Answers

Can you explain the process for Postmates drivers? +
With a focus on on-demand delivery, Postmates uses technology to provide customers with efficient delivery of groceries, alcohol and various other supplies.
What do I need to do to become a Postmates rider? +
Basic requirements:
    1) You must be at least 18 years old;
      2) It's important to have SSN and driver's license;
        3)You must have permanent access to a car;
          4) You must be eligible to work in the US;
            5) Don't forget that you must have constant access to the latest smartphone (iPhone 6s / Android 5.0 or later) and be able to use it effectively.
          I want to become a Postmates driver. What are the vehicle requirements? +
          A car is optional. The main requirement is to have a valid driving licence, regardless of the type of vehicle.
          Could you please tell me if I have a chance of getting a job as a Postmates driver without having to own a car? +
          Renting a car for ridesharing and delivery is possible. Uber offers car rental services through Uber Car Rental, while Lyft offers Lyft Express for a similar purpose. These rideshare services offer different rental options, all inclusive. Simply fill out an application on our website to receive information about rideshare car rentals. In addition, if you don't own a car, consider reducing the cost of vehicle ownership through methods such as renting.
          Do Uber and Postmates offer similar services? +
          There are three simple ways:
          1) Register quickly using the EarnDriver application.
          2) Message in WhatsApp
          3) Apply for a delivery driver job by leaving your contact number on our website.
          How long does the registration process take? +
          Document verification for Postmates driver registration typically takes up to 48 hours. In cities where in-person document verification is required, the process may take several days or up to a week, depending on office waiting time.
          What can I expect to earn as a Postmates driver? +
          A Postmates driver's earnings are based on their activity level. More trips mean more earnings. Typical earnings for a Postmates driver average $2,031
          How will the driver be paid? +
          You will be paid cash for the order. To receive weekly payments into your Postmates driver's cashless account, you will need to provide your card details in the app.