What are the top five requirements to work in delivery for Instacart?
You must be at least 18 years old, have the right to work in the U.S., have a bank account, have consistent access to a vehicle, and own a good smartphone. You should also be able to lift 40 pounds, with or without assistance.
How does shopping with Instacart work?
A shopper goes to the store to purchase the items selected by the customer, pays using the Instacart card, delivers the groceries, and can cash out within two hours.
What information will I know before accepting an order?
You will always see key details in advance so you can choose the best option for yourself. Key details include the upfront price, store, delivery distance, number of items and units, batch earnings, and tips.
When can I receive more tips?
The demand for tips is higher on weekends and holidays. Also, use the app to plan your time to earn during the best periods for you.
Does the app help identify peak earning hours?
Yes. In the app, you can use tips on the Peak Earning Times page. It helps plan your shopping up to a week in advance so you can choose which days and hours work best for you. Each week, Instacart provides you with details about which hours pay more per batch compared to the lowest paying hour that week, allowing you to shop during the times that suit you best.
How does Instant Cashout work?
You can cash out your batch earnings a few minutes after delivery, and your total earnings, including tips, two hours after delivery.
Which partners collaborate with Instacart?
Instacart collaborates closely with Care, where you can get discounts on childcare and eldercare; Upside, where you can earn cash back per gallon of gas; and CarAdvise, where you receive discounts on oil changes at local mechanics.