What are some popular stores that Instacart partners with?
Popular stores that partner with Instacart include Costco, Petco, Meijer, Kroger, Publix, Albertsons, ALDI, Raley's, and many others. Delivery and shoping are also available from various other stores.
What should I do if the store doesn't have the required item?
If you have any questions or need to make changes, you can message the customer directly through your shared chat on Instacart.
What information will I know before accepting an order?
You will always see key details in advance so you can choose the best option for yourself. Key details include the upfront price, store, delivery distance, number of items and units, batch earnings, and tips.
What do the yellow, orange, and red colors mean in the app?
When looking for batches, you may see yellow, orange, and red colors on the screen. These colors indicate the busyness of stores on the map.
Does location affect the display of available orders in the app?
Yes, shoppers closer to the store will see batches before those who are farther away. When you get close enough to the store, a highlighted area will appear, indicating you are among the first shoppers to see batches from that store.
How does Instant Cashout work?
You can cash out your batch earnings a few minutes after delivery, and your total earnings, including tips, two hours after delivery.
What types of incentives does Instacart offer?
Instacart offers various bonuses and innovations for workers. For instance, to recognize shoppers who have completed at least 4,000 orders, Instacart introduces Platinum Protection. Platinum Protection ensures that a shopper never drops below Platinum Cart status, maintaining access to Platinum Cart rewards.