What are some popular stores that Instacart partners with?
Popular stores that partner with Instacart include Costco, Petco, Meijer, Kroger, Publix, Albertsons, ALDI, Raley's, and many others. Delivery and shoping are also available from various other stores.
What should I do if the store doesn't have the required item?
If you have any questions or need to make changes, you can message the customer directly through your shared chat on Instacart.
What information will I know before accepting an order?
You will always see key details in advance so you can choose the best option for yourself. Key details include the upfront price, store, delivery distance, number of items and units, batch earnings, and tips.
Does delivery pay vary based on the weight factor?
Yes, there is a payment called Heavy Pay that accounts for the weight of items. This additional payment is included as an extra component to the batch pay when there are multiple heavy items, and it always amounts to at least $2.
When is the schedule on the Peak Earning Times page updated?
The schedule is refreshed every Thursday evening with new data for the upcoming week. Peak earning only applies to batch pay. Tips and promotions are added to batch pay.
How can I view my earnings in the app?
Start by tapping the Earnings tab at the bottom of the app. In the Weekly Earnings section, select the week you want to view, then choose the day. Finally, in the Batches section, select the batch you want to view. Keep in mind that actual earnings may vary. Terms apply.
How is a canceled order paid?
If a customer cancels an order while you are working on it, you will receive compensation.